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Joseph Mansfield

Need a value? Pass by value

C++ experts have a tendency to over-complicate the language's best practices through rigorous academic discussions about the optimality of every possible line of code. This makes it difficult to learn C++ because the rules are complicated and a consensus is difficult to find.

One particular case that I have come across a lot recently is the choice of whether to take a parameter by value or by const reference. These can both used for the same purpose — to get the value of the passed argument. After all, either will except any object of the correct type (whether temporary or not). For a long time, passing by const reference was popular for anything that wasn't a primitive type, to save from expensive copies. Since C++11 and the introduction of move semantics, the commonly accepted practice is to pass by value only when your function is going to need a copy anyway — allowing the move constructor to be used when the caller passes a temporary object and allowing the function to use std::move internally where appropriate — and pass by const reference otherwise. More recently, Herb Sutter gave evidence that using a const reference might actually be more optimal in certain situations. I couldn't blame a person for being confused by all these different ideas about how to achieve optimal code.

However, there are a few problems with these approaches:

For these reasons, I consider a const reference argument being used for the sake of optimization a messy optimization. It's an optimization that trades away the simplicity and readability of your interfaces, so it had better be worth it. Simplicity and readability come first — optimize later when you measure that there's a performance problem.

So what if you do measure that there's a problem? Are you copying objects around that don't really need to be copied? Are those copies expensive? If so, I don't think that const references should be your first port of call. First try something like the copy-on-write mechanism, in which the internals of an object are only copied when written to. This way, an expensive copy is only performed when necessary and your function interfaces remain exactly the same (the copy-on-write is hidden from the user). If copy-on-write doesn't help — and there is evidence that it might lead to bad performance when implemented for multi-threaded environments — then try something else. Sure, const references might be appropriate at this point. However, you should only use them when necessary, isolate them to a specific region of your code, and document their use. A reference parameter intrudes on the caller's space. I don't want to have to wonder why your function wants a reference to my object — just tell me.

This effectively makes the only use of const references when we actually require immutable access to the caller's object. That is, when the the caller's object itself, not only its value, is important to us. In these cases, we typically want to track changes to the value of that particular object. Alternatively, we might want access to an object that we really can't copy, perhaps because copying doesn't make sense for that type or you're working in a very low memory environment. These situations occur significantly less often than we use const references today.

So let's keep it simple: Need a value? Pass by value. It's a rule that is easy to understand, simple to teach, and gives us safe interfaces and readable code. Messy optimizations should only be used when necessary.